Audiobook Resources

Activate Ethical and Sustainable Strategy – for Business that will Survive and Thrive from 2025. We are entering a time of changes in underlying go-to-market conditions that generally aren’t foreseeable, at least not without a considerably altered mindset. The aim of this book is to enlighten and equip you, so that you may secure market leadership and improve company-level value during this time of disruptive transition.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

This Great Shift will be a pan-sector disruption event second to none. It is simmering away in the background of your competitive landscape. Employees and customers are just waiting for viable alternatives to arise. As soon as alternatives appear that better serve a burgeoning and overwhelming desire for satisfaction, the dial on employment and buying choices will move without warning. Whether this is perceived as an opportunity or a threat by you will largely be determined by how you react, by the course of action you decide and whether you act now or opt to wait and see.

I sincerely hope you make the right choices.

Do ask for help.

Good luck.

Stay in touch to let me know how you get along.